
New Message Personalization Placeholders for LinkedProspect!

As any smart B2B salesperson knows, the key to great message copy lies in personalization. It’s what can make a cold message interesting from the first line, and ultimately, what makes a prospect respond.

According to Aberdeen, personalized email messages improve click-through rates by an average of 14% and conversions by 10%. While these statistics focus on email sales copy, when it comes to writing sales copy for LinkedIn, personalization is even more essential – it is, after all, a social network.

After learning these statistics, we just knew that we had to give our users the ability to get personal with their prospects, which is why we have introduced a broader range of personalization placeholders.

The New Placeholders

@location – adds the user’s LinkedIn profile location to the message.

@firstname – adds the user’s first name to the message.

@lastname – adds the user’s last name to the message.

@company – adds the user’s current company to the message.

@title – adds the user’s current job title to the message.

While the @firstname placeholder has always been staple on LinkedProspect, the addition of location, last name, company and job title placeholders means that you can now craft intelligent copy with no need to research and analyse your prospect list first.

For inspiration on how to use these placeholders in your own message copy, see the example below:

Hi @firstname, thanks for connecting with me!

Myself and my team have just developed a brand-new piece of software for automating personalised LinkedIn messages. It can accelerate lead generation and can fire-off messages even when you’re asleep! I see that you’re a @title at @company so you I figured that this may be something you’d be interested in. If so, I would be more than happy to set up a meeting in @location to discuss things further.

Looking forward to hearing from  you, @firstname!

Best regards,


These placeholders are now available on all LinkedProspect campaign types. Try them today and see how personalization can make your conversions soar!

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