Pick the plan that suits you the most. Start Free Trial!
Launch your first campaign in 10 minutes and see results in 24 hours.
$49 / month
Connection Requests
Message Sequences
Bulk Messages
Zapier Integration
Export Prospects
$99 / month
Everything from Basic +
Supports Sales Navigator
Message Reply Detection
In-App Messages
Email Sequences ($49 Add-on)
$250 / month
Standard Plan + MSP / IT Companies Campaign
Everything from Standard +
Software to target and engage prospects to talk to you
Coaching to find your target market
Plug and Play Campaigns based on your market
Plug and Play Email Campaigns
Account Management and Campaign Optimization
$750 / month
On-boarding Call
Our team creates the campaigns
We run and optimise the campaigns
We deliver leads to you
*** For MSP / IT Companies Campaign -- One new client will pay for the whole campaign ***
Feature list
Connection Requests
Message Sequences
Bulk Messages
Zapier Integration
Export Prospects
Supports Sales Navigator
Message Reply Detection
In-App Messages
Email Sequences ($49 Add-on)
Software to target and engage prospects to talk to you
Coaching to find your target market
Plug and Play Campaigns based on your market
Plug and Play Email Campaigns
Account Management and Campaign Optimization
On-boarding Call
Our team creates the campaigns
We run and optimise the campaigns.
We deliver leads to you.
per month
per month
per month
per month
Frequently asked questions:
User Testimonials
"LinkedProspect has been a life-changer for me. Thanks to their system, I have grown my business by 300% in one year, targeting the right people with the right messages. The platform is very user-friendly and their customer service outstanding. I highly recommend them for anyone looking to grow their B2B business online."
Catherine Oaks
Sliice Marketing