In our previous article we focused on the steps you should take to build a stellar LinkedIn profile – if you missed it, you can check it out here. In this article we will be sharing our top LinkedIn post ideas to spark your creativity.
As with any social network, it can be a challenge to create a constant stream of engaging posts -the last thing you want to do is bore your connections with the same-old updates. The fact is, you’ve got more to say than you think, you just need to get creative! Give some of these ideas a try and discover that there really is no shortage of opportunities to use LinkedIn to connect with your audience.
Publish Your Own Work On Pulse
Have you come across some interesting insights from your industry? LinkedIn’s self- publishing platform is the perfect place to showcase your knowledge & expertise. Publishing this kind of content on Pulse is a great way to get exposure for yourself and your business, as well as positioning yourself as a thought-leader in your field.
Share How-To Articles
You can never go wrong with sharing helpful third-party articles. However, don’t just link to any How-To article on the basis that’s it’s related to your industry, post articles that are most likely to resonate with your audience. They key is to always add value – after all, sharing is caring!
Industry News
Scan your favourite industry blogs every morning and share a great news story to your connections – but don’t just post it, say something about it! There’s no better way to develop your professional image than to show off your voice – and who knows, it may just spark some interesting conversations too.
What Are You Working On?
Are you working on any exciting projects at the moment? Keep your connections updated about these projects every step of the way. Everyone loves behind-the-scenes shots as they provide a real insight into your everyday life. You never know, you may be connected to someone who could offer some valuable advice.
Ask a Question
Questions are a brilliant way to engage with your connections and really get to know them. Whether it’s asking your connections for recommendations for a new piece of software, or asking their opinion on a new industry trend, it’s an easy way to create a great conversation.
Share Job Opportunities
Is your company on the lookout for a new team member? Go ahead and share it! Ask your connections to recommend and tag candidates. You’ll be able to find some talent that you otherwise may not have discovered.
Share A Top Tip
There are so many opportunities with this, not only will you be giving your connections value but you will also be showing yourself to be an expert in your field. Keep the tips short and sweet – you’ll be surprised at how many you can come up with!
Let Your Connections Know About A Great Service You’ve Received
This is your chance to help a business out! If you’ve tried a product or a service and loved it, tag the company in your update and let people know why you’d recommend it. Not only will you be giving a company a helping hand, but someone in your network may be on the lookout for a similar product/service themselves.
Hopefully these LinkedIn post ideas will inspire you the next time you’re feeling content-fried. As another plus point, if you post things from this list consistently, you should see your network and engagement-rate rocket.