Video Showing Sales Navigator Search Process for Tracking Searches
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Hi there. In this quick video I want to show you how we use Sales Navigator and the template that we use to crack searches, number of results, and sort of, and also segment the industries that we go after. So, normally when I’m in Sales Navigator, I start with just sort of a key word. So, in this example I’m gonna use software as a service in Melbourne. It’s just an example. It’s one of our markets. So software is service and they will choose geography, Melbourne. We will choose relationships, second degree. We often like … We recommend people go to second degree first because people are more likely to connect because you have connections in common. So there’s about 600, and I’m just looking through here and I’m seeing these people, a lot of them work for massive companies like Hewlett Packard and what not. So, we probably want the company headcount to be a little smaller. So we’ll do, go sort of for the mid-market in this example. Moving to 50.

So there’s, I guess there’s a good example. We have 192 people. So, what I normally do once, and I’ll play with this a little bit more until I’m sort of happy with the targeting. I’m sure you all know how to do that. Normally what I would do is save the search, and I would say software’s a service, Melbourne, second degree connections, and I’ll put the date. Today’s 12th March, 2019. So I’d name it that.

One of the things that I do is I actually turn off the alerts on the search names. Never alert me. And then I basically copy and paste this into my spreadsheet here. For result, we have 197, and then I put in the Euro here. So, what I’m doing in the spreadsheet is basically tracking the type of people that I’m targeting in the search. Now often some of the stuff I like to do too is I often, you know, then have the same one, just exactly the same search, but then I just do third degree connections. So when I run it on second degree connections, I can then go to third degree connections. So what I will do in here is just remove this and say third degree connections.

So they should be way more, 3000, which is a little bit too many, and now we need to start playing again with sort of seniority level, owner, partner, CXO, VP, Director, which will hopefully bring that down a little bit. Again, targeting 1000 to 1500, there’s 2000. What else can I do? I’m just gonna move one of these headcounts to go smaller or go bigger. 1600. Again what I would do is set search and go save search, that says Melbourne, third degree connections, 12 of March 2019. Normally set this for never. And save that. Up at that, it’s only one, two, 15 is third degree connections, one to 15 third degree connections. Results is 1676.

So here you can see how I’m trying to basically track you know the searches I’m doing and adjust them and keep a log of the searches we’re doing, how we segmenting them. And then what you can also do here is you can basically track done with probably a date. This is … How many do we have there? Probably two days. So when the 14th of March rolls around you can come in here and say the 14th of March, and then you know where to do the next one. And this is how you track all the searches you are doing and you can also obviously track results, but we just recommend you track the searches through … You don’t just keep on putting the same searches in again and again and again.

One of the other filters that I sometimes find useful is remove viewed leads from search. And that sometimes helps you to bring up fresh people. Now I haven’t viewed many people, but that’s another filter you can use to reduce some of these people that you have viewed or haven’t viewed.

So I hope you find this video useful. Basically we recommend 1000 to 1500 connections. We recommend you start with second degree then go to third degree. We recommend you track your searches in this log in this fashion with the results and how these searches are performing. And that’s how you can be sure that you’re always doing, you know fresh searches and keeping track of your searches.
Thank you very much for watching.