If you’re looking for a job in the modern world, LinkedIn is the place to be. It’s the world’s largest professional network with more than 500 million members in over 200 countries and territories. LinkedIn has recently made headlines by being named as one of the most successful companies in Europe.
LinkedIn is used by recruiters as well as job seekers, meaning that you need to make sure your profile is up-to-date and informative at all times. There are several sections on your profile such as ‘Experience,’ ‘Education’ and ‘Contact Info.’ In this article we’ll focus on one aspect of your profile: Job Titles.
Why do job titles matter on LinkedIn?
The importance of your job title on LinkedIn can be boiled down to one simple word: visibility. The more visible you are, the more people will find you, the better your opportunities are to get more job offers, referrals and recognition.
This is why it’s important for you to take a look at your job title on LinkedIn and make sure it accurately reflects what you do for a living.
Job titles on LinkedIn can help you stand out from the crowd.
Job titles can be a great way to stand out from the crowd. Where else are you going to find someone with a job title like “Chief of Catnip”? But if you’re looking for more traditional options, here are some examples of memorable job titles that might inspire some ideas:
- Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
- Vice President of Marketing (VPOM)
- Director of Human Resources (DOHR)
Do a little research and know what the basic job title is for your role.
If you’re going to put a job title on your LinkedIn profile, why not ensure that it’s the right one?
It’s easy to get caught up in the hype of what others might be doing and what you think is cool. You see someone else who has the role of “Chief Happiness Officer”—and then you go out and add “Chief Happiness Officer at Acme Company Inc.” to your own profile without knowing what this means or even if there is such a thing as a Chief Happiness Officer (there isn’t). There are plenty of examples where people have added roles that aren’t theirs just for fun or just because they saw it somewhere else. You want to make sure that whatever role(s) you list actually apply to your situation.
You also want to make sure that the job titles are accurate so when potential employers and LinkedIn tools search for those terms they don’t find someone else instead!
If you hold multiple roles in your company, it might be a good idea to list them all on LinkedIn.
- It is a good idea to list all your roles. This can help people understand what you do and how you’re able to contribute to projects.
- You can use different job titles for each role. For example, if you are a marketer who also works with clients, consider using “Marketing Consultant” as one of your job titles and “Marketing Coordinator” as another, or vice versa.
- You can also list all your roles in the summary section of your profile instead of listing them separately under Job Titles on LinkedIn profiles. This way, all employers will be able to see all the things that you’ve done at one glance rather than having to click through multiple sections just to see what kind of work experience someone has had before contacting them about employment opportunities or internships/projects (if applicable).
There’s nothing wrong with calling yourself what you already are.
So, the question is: What should you call yourself? Should we call ourselves whatever our current job title is—even if it’s not our “real” career path? Or should we go for something more descriptive and less technical, like “digital marketer.”
And the answer is… yes. You can do both. You can call yourself what you want and/or need to be called, whatever that means for your LinkedIn profile! Don’t be afraid to use your own name, or even just a single word (like “writer”). Don’t be afraid to use your job title if you like it better than anything else. And definitely don’t be afraid of getting specific about what exactly it is that you do: If another person looks at their profile and thinks “I want some of that!” then that’s great! They’ll probably find their way back to you eventually anyway—and in the meantime they’ll know exactly where they can reach out next time they need help with whatever problem it was that first brought them together across virtual space (because remember – nothing beats face-to-face interactions).
But don’t go over the top with fanciful or unrealistic job titles.
But don’t go over the top with fanciful or unrealistic job titles. And never, ever use words like “rock star” or “ninja.” These are not a good way to advertise yourself to potential employers.
You want your title on LinkedIn to be something that’s truthful, accurate, and also something that accurately communicates what you do for a living without being overly descriptive (or too vague). If you’re just starting out in your career now, then stick with something like “Marketing Coordinator.” It lets people know that you’re in marketing—but it doesn’t reveal everything about what kind of tasks you’ll be doing on a day-to-day basis at work. As you gain more experience in different industries and markets over time, consider updating this section as well!
A little bit of research and imagination can go a long way when it comes to making your job title stand out.
There’s power in using traditional job titles, but it’s even more powerful to be creative with your profile. This will show potential employers and business partners a peek at your personality, which oftentimes is a great way to keep them interested. Do your research and have a bit of fun!
So there you have it! We hope that these tips will help you to create a more compelling and interesting job title, one that will get noticed by potential employers looking for fresh talent in their industry.
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